Committee Effectiveness 2024/25
This questionnaire allows Committee Members to give their views on committee effectiveness across a number of themes.
The questionnaire sets out a number of statements, and you are asked if you strongly agree, agree, disagree, or strongly disagree in respect of the Committees you are a Member of. If you not a Member please select 'Not a Member'. You will not be able to skip any of these questions.
Space is also provided for your comments and examples. These sections are optional, but any insights you offer are very valuable and can help us improve.
Individual responses are anonymous, unless you choose to receive an email acknowledgement for your responses.
Why your views matter
Your views provide important information to help assess and improve the delivery of the Authority's committees.
What happens next
A final overview of committee operations will be provided to ARAC and inform statements of assurance and the Annual Report and Accounts.
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