15 results
Recorded Police Warnings Webinar - Question Submissions
Recorded Police Warnings (RPWs) were introduced by Police Scotland in January 2016, replacing the Formal Adult Warning scheme. The RPW scheme allows officers to issue warnings to those aged 16 or over, either on the spot or retrospectively, for a wide range of offences. Police Scotland and the Scottish Police Authority are hosting a seminar on the 8 April 2024 on the use of RPWs. It will provide an opportunity for in-depth exploration of the legal and... MoreClosed 8 April 2024 -
Committee Effectiveness
This survey allows committee members to give their views on committee effectiveness across a number of themes. Please complete a separate response for each committee you are a member of. The questionnaire sets out a number of statements, and you are asked if you strongly agree, agree, disagree, or strongly disagree. You will not be able to skip any of these questions. Space is also provided for your comments and examples. These sections are optional, but any insights you... MoreClosed 8 March 2024 -
Police Oversight Bodies Benchmarking
Following on from discussion at the APACE AGM in July 2023, this online survey is the first step of a corporate benchmarking exercise between police oversight bodies. The survey focuses on some basic information about your organisation’s size, core functions and governance structures, so we are able to identify similarities between comparators as well as understand any differences. It is our intention following this initial exercise to carry out further information... MoreClosed 22 October 2023 -
SPA SharePoint – One Year On!
In June 2022, a “Project Review Workshop” was held to evaluate the initial impact of SharePoint and support the production of an improved operating/how to guide. One year on we want to take an opportunity to reflect on where SharePoint is improving every day working and what additional actions we can take to improve its use even further. To do this we’re asking you to take a few minutes to answer the following questions. MoreClosed 21 July 2023 -
Joint Strategy for Policing 2023-2026
Our survey has now closed. We are grateful for the responses that we received. Our next steps involve analysis of the responses, and reviewing the draft document and making amendments as required, with a view to finalising the document later next month (May). Thank you. MoreClosed 23 April 2023 -
Scottish Police Authority Corporate Strategy 2023-2026
The Scottish Police Authority's current Corporate Plan is due to expire in March 2023 - work is currently underway to prepare a renewed Corporate Strategy. This strategy, for 2023-26, centres on our outcomes and strategic priorities, setting the direction for the work of the Authority over the next three years. We are now keen to engage with members of the public to gain feedback on our draft strategy. To provide your views, please read through the attached documents at the bottom of... MoreClosed 6 March 2023 -
RoundTable Reflections: Oversight of Policing during the Pandemic
I n advance of our virtual RoundTable event "Oversight of Policing during the Pandemic" we are opening up the facility to submit a question in advance to be considered by our discussion panel. MoreClosed 4 August 2022 -
New and Emerging Technologies in Policing
I n advance of our virtual RoundTable event "New and Emerging Technologies in Policing" we are opening up the facility to ask questions of panellists and speakers in advance. If you have any questions please submit them using this platform and we will pass these to the Event Host where they may be raised during discussion sessions. Potential discussion themes: Financial costs and benefits Ethics and privacy Governance and oversight Effectiveness at tackling... MoreClosed 9 February 2022 -
Call For Feedback: Policing and the Pandemic - the Scottish Experience
We are looking for attendees to provide feedback on their experience of participating and/or viewing the recent RoundTable event on Policing and the Pandemic. MoreClosed 31 October 2021 -
Call For Feedback: COP26 - Policing the Protests
We are looking for attendees to provide feedback on their experience of the recent RoundTable event on Policing the Protests at COP26. MoreClosed 31 October 2021 -
COP26 - Policing the Protests
In advance of our virtual RoundTable event "COP 26 – Policing the Protests" we are opening up the facility to submit a question in advance to one of our discussion panels. We are running 3 discussion sessions, which will be moderated by the Director of John Smith Centre for Public Service, Kezia Dugdale: Session 1 - Crowd psychology, collective protest and crowd-police interactions – led by Professor Steve Reicher, with first response from Gill Imery of... MoreClosed 8 September 2021 -
SPA Gaelic Language Plan 2021
The Scottish Police Authority (SPA) is seeking your views on its draft Gaelic Language Plan 2021-26. Our draft plan was prepared within the framework of the Gaelic Language (Scotland) Act 2005, and seeks to support the National Gaelic Language Plan’s overarching aim that “Gaelic is used more often, by more people and in a wider range of situations”. The Plan sets out for comment our proposed commitments in support of the National Gaelic... MoreClosed 22 August 2021 -
Plana Gàidhlig SPA airson 2021-26
Tha Ùghdarras Poilis na h-Alba (SPA) a’ sireadh do bheachdan air an dreachd Plana Gàidhlig aige airson 2021-26. Chaidh an dreachd phlana againn ullachadh taobh a-staigh frèam-obrach Achd na Gàidhlig (Alba) 2005, agus tha e ag amas air taic a chumail ri prìomh amas Plana Nàiseanta na Gàidhlig “gum bi Gàidhlig air a cleachdadh nas trice, le barrachd dhaoine agus ann an raon nas fharsainge de shuidheachaidhean ”. Tha am Plana a’... MoreClosed 22 August 2021 -
Policing and the Pandemic - the Scottish experience
I n advance of our virtual RoundTable event "Policing and the Pandemic - the Scottish Experience" we are opening up the facility to submit a question in advance to one of our discussion panels. We are running two discussions: Panel Discussion 1 - Strategy and Insights from Scotland Chaired by Dr Liz Aston (Scottish Institute for Policing Research) and featuring Assistant Chief Constable Gary Ritchie (Police Scotland), Kirsty-Louise Campbell (Head of Strategy and Insight,... MoreClosed 15 August 2021 -
Call for evidence: COVID-19 Police powers review
We welcome the views, thoughts and experiences – both positive and negative – of those who have had contact with the police in relation to the Coronavirus during this period and those who have not had direct experience of contact with the police but who wish to express their views. We are especially keen to hear how people's experience of the police may have been shaped by their protected characteristics under the Equality Act 2010 (which covers: age, disability, gender reassignment,... MoreClosed 14 June 2021
15 results.
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